Advertisements and signage

Advertisements (and associated lighting) are controlled with reference to their effect on amenity and public safety only, which is less onerous than obtaining planning permission. There are three categories of advertisement consent:

  • Those permitted without requiring either deemed or express consent
  • Those which have deemed consent
  • Those which require express consent

Signage within a shopping mall or railway does not require consent and signage inside a shop does not require consent but must not be illuminated. Miscellaneous signage identifying a business may have deemed consent but is subject to certain criteria. If it does not meet the requirements to not require deemed or express consent, advertisement consent from the Council will be required. It is criminal offence to display an advertisement without consent. Ordinary, the advertisement consent acts as the planning permission but if works are proposed to the shopfront, planning permission will be required.

Submission of an application is via the Planning Portal. Illustrative plans and drawings are required.

Further information is available on the government guidance website